One of the big mistakes I made with my visions and dreams is thinking that I had to be a particular kind of person, or be in the “right place at the right time” or have the right background in order for my vision to manifest.

When I took a good look at some of the past success stories, this was far from the truth. I did not need the right background, I needed to take the time out to nurture and cultivate my vision, I had to nurture the burning desire for success and be willing to use my natural mother instincts which govern success and growth.

Many clients of mine have experienced Failure to Thrive Syndrome.  What’s that you ask?  Well, here is what happens to infants who suffer from Failure to Thrive Syndrome and tell me if this is something you are going through or have overcome in the past.

Infants require basic nurturing needs to be met, nothing strenuous but necessary. Such as love, touching, feeding, holding, keeping warm and dry, some attention, etc.  In fact, so powerful is the need to be nurtured that without it, the baby can develop Failure to Thrive Syndrome, which often leads to infant death.  The infant’s body is telling it that something is wrong, the infant begins to internalize this reaction to non reaction and it results into something fatal or deadly.  Please keep in mind; I am not a physician or pediatrician.

As it pertains to your vision and your dreams, this is equally serious.  If you do not love, touch, feed, hold, and nurture your vision and your dreams their reaction to growth is zero to none.  Why do I use such a serious analogy to get my point across?  I use this analogy to let you know that your dream and vision is your contribution to the world.  Your vision may save thousands of lives; your dream pursued and acted on, may keep the next individual from giving up.

When a baby enters in the world, that is an individual who has a destiny, a mandate and a mission already assigned to him/her.  When a dream is birthed or a vision activated, that is a solution to a major problem, no matter how big or small, it is a valuable and worthy solution.

If you feel as if you are losing the life of your vision and dream, just take some time to give it some TLC (tender, love and care) before putting it out to the world. Nurture your vision and dreams, cultivate it, feed it the amount of quality time it needs.  Before you know it, your vision and dream will nurture, cultivate and feed you. $$$

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Written by : Lucinda Cross

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One Comment

  1. Tara September 19, 2011 at 10:55 am - Reply

    Definitely a timely word I appreciate the encouragement through your testimony!

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