When it comes to doing better business, we need to understand that we will have those rocky days and those days that just flow.  I see a lot in the womenpreneurs sit around in groups commiserating on the lack of everything but the amount of shoes in their closet.  Lack of time, lack of support and most of all the lack of money.

I want you to stop what you are doing and step away from your business for a few days.  It is time to let your creative juices flow by taking a look at the business from a prospect/lead point of view. Here is an example of the value you can add, as well as an alternate stream of income. Pull out a sheet of paper, and on the top label it VALUE and VALUE ADDED. Write down the value you are already providing under the Value title, and write down on the Value added side, what you could charge more for and add on to what you are already doing.

Case #1: You are a baker: you can begin to sell mugs, place mats, and pans, pots with your log on it, readymade baking dough or pie crust, aprons, recipe books, calendars with recipe of the month in it, signature beverages, and more.

Case #2: You are a personal trainer: Why not begin to sell head bands, your own label on water, water bottles, gym bags, towels, DVD’s, scales, or why not bundle a few items together to create a starter kit for new members.

It is time to start thinking about how you can generate more money through creative sources. This can be done by either adding value to your current business or utilizing your underperforming skills, talents and resources to supplement what you are already doing to increase your income.  We must move from making money to growing income. Making money can be easy, but WE NEED TO MAKE OUR MONEY GROW INTO A STEADY INCOME THAT INCREASES AND MULTIPLYS.

What can you create that can be assembled and marketed to the vital few?

What can you invest in that has potential or has the potential to produce a positive ROI?

The key is to run a business that will support you NOW and LATER.  These opportunities can be sweet, sticky and worth unwrapping.

Written by : Lucinda Cross

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One Comment

  1. tonya jackson May 3, 2011 at 12:05 pm - Reply

    I love this. And this is something that I have started doing . Thanks for sharing this.

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