4 Things You Can Do To Boost Your Blog

1. Be brief and to the point as much as possible

Cutting down the number of words used to pass a message without distorting it is so vital. You have to be sensitive that some readers are commonly put off by the use of over communicating to express a point.

Being concise is very important as it facilitates the concentration and focus on a story by an individual. Keep in mind that busy readers are likely to read and comprehend on a story that is brief and to the point. Follow the “K.I.S.S” rule (keep it short and sweet).

2. Uphold accuracy

Does Your Blog Need A Face Lift?
Readers who look for information are after accuracy. It is advisable to go through the article multiple times and if possible, engage a different person to go through the same article and make the necessary corrections before posting it. Watch out for grammar, spelling of names and linking URLs to the right places. This will facilitate the building of your blog’s brand.

3. Use of catchy headlines

Utilization of the headline to grab readers is so important. It is often said, that only the most ardent news follower that will read a story with a poor headline. It is advisable to take time in researching on the best catchy headlines to use. Good writers know that headlines utilize the succinct manner to communicate a story.

4. Add a picture

Adding an image to your content gives your blog post life. You can find really inexpensive or free stock photos to create a visualization to match your catchy headline and juicy story.  The other thing that you should consider using, is the blog URL in the email signature.  Tell your reader what you want them to do after reading the post.  Actions you can advise is, re-tweeting, commenting, subscribing to the rss feed, and sharing on Facebook. You want to prompt more visits to the blog site.

Written by : Lucinda Cross

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