“By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be.” Mark Victor Hansen
Sitting in these plush red chairs as tears of joy run down my face. Thanking God in advance for everyone who will be sitting, attending, sponsoring, vending and supporting Activate 2K14 on Sept. 20th.
This brings me to a lesson I taught on Goal Setting for Procrastinators months ago for a group of Corporate Executives.
I teach all my clients the value and importance of having crystal clear goals that they work on diligently. We need to do more than lip service to the ideas we have if we want results.
Here are some things that work for me and I would love to hear your suggestions. First, I choose a goal for each major area of my life. My family, my faith, my finance, my future and my fitness. Choose whatever the important areas are for you.
I choose one specific goal in each area. Too many goals and your energy is chaotic and the thought of activating your goal feels overwhelming.
Next, I write out in full detail what it will look like to have that goal fulfilled. I spend time visualizing the goal fulfilled, as shown in the picture above. Actually that is my 5th visit to the venue so far. I don’t worry about how it will get done, I just visualize it as done and get familiar with how that feels. I visualize it and speak life into that visualization.
I then write on this extremely large post it note each week about what I did toward achieving each goal. This keeps my goals top of mind. Especially when I am planning events like the Activate 2K14. As Mark Victor Hansen stated, just having the goals on paper is a great foundation for the process of achieving them.
Are you ready to accomplish some goals this quarter?
Let’s start with some paper and a pen…
Get Your Ticket By July 15th for the Amazing Early Bird Special!
This year’s Activate 2K14 experience is the foundation of an extraordinary life. We are calling all leaders who are leading by example and striving to be the difference in the world!
Act now to get your VIP Weekend Pass or take advantage of the MVP Experience! These seats will not last long – and nor will our incredible early bird pricing!