Hire your Fantastic For ( yes i spelled it right) For not Four. Forecaster who is your Visionary, Forerunner which is your Implementer, Forewoman which is your Leader and your Forward which is your Activator.
Here is what your Forecaster (Visionary) should look like:
In the dictionary, a visionary is defined as a person with unusual foresight and the ability to see ahead. Whenever we are in a position of leadership, we carry that responsibility, whether we like it or not. Your Forecaster should encompass the following traits:
1. Educated Thinker: Your Forecaster should be well educated on your industry and able to take the research and information on your industry and pick the current trends before anyone else. Forecasters are highly visible and excellent communicators, they see new products that you should create and new markets you should enter.
2. Reinforces: Your Forecaster is also the one who works on the strategic LONG TERM plan. Your Forecaster reminds you of the business goals and makes sure that everyone on your team is in alignment with the goals. They are not the ones managing the team but they are the ones who remind you to fill a void so that the goals can get completed.
3. Results Driven: Your Forecaster is motivated by seeing an increase in revenues, earnings and market share. If you are not increasing in any of the mentioned areas then you may need to restructure your plan or rehire a new Forecaster.
A true forecaster has to keep moving forward. If you want to run your business like a business, you have to choose whether you will be a 2 star or 5 star brand. 5 Star brands have high profile Forecasters.
Failing to hire a visionary can hurt your business, and bleed it dry. If you don’t have a vision, if you don’t have clear goals your business will become stagnant. Without a vision and Visionary who is supporting the vision of the business, it’s hard to convince joint venture partners and investors to give you an opportunity to grow financially. With your Forecaster in place you can play in the Big League.
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