A huge part of being productive at your personal development goals is to take time out for you. There is a beautiful word to describe being in the good company of oneself: solitude.  It simply means not being by yourself, but with yourself.  It’s the blossoming of independence and the path to cultivate inner strength.

How awesome is that?

Make time to “do you” even if you have to pencil yourself in on the calendar.  Trust me it will help you to clear your mind.  It will feel like you hit the reset button.

Do you feel like you are too busy to think?

How often do you decide to do something for yourself only to find yourself still in a position doing something for someone else?

Have you tricked yourself into believing that you were going to relax and release but you constantly are responding to text messages and emails?

Let me help you out a bit my friend, especially if you are on the writing binge for the month of August.

Tip #1: Leave the phone at home

Okay I already hear you making all kinds of excuses of why you need your phone. What if something happens to the kids? What if my mom calls? What if I get stranded? Keep bringing up all the reasons why you need to have your phone with you 24/7. Sounds like you need a tech detox. it may feel weird at first going on a date by yourself but, get over the uncomfortable feeling and embrace the time.

Tip #2: Leave the phone home

Leave the phone home so you don’t have anyone calling you and interrupting your tan, your massage, your meal or you thoughts.  I dread the calls that go like this, “babe, where is the ketchup?” or “babe, do you know where the remote is?”, uggghhhhhh. If there is an emergency at home, the only thing you can do is pray that everything is okay and when you get home just hope and pray that all the kids have their body parts in tact and no one is bleeding, the fire department is not in front of your house and your 2 year old is not playing in your makeup bag. Other than that enjoy yourself. Bring your journal, bring your inspirational music or CD.

Tip#3: Leave the phone home

How often have you seen people on a date or walking togther and they are on their phones texting, tweeting and posting? I remember taking myself out for a nice walk and of course I had my phone with me and instead of walking and meditating, I started to take pictures for my blog, I started to ask other people to take a picture of me.  I was tweeting and texting until I walked into a pile of dung while texting….that was it for me…my casual relaxing walk turned into a embarrassing dung washing by the hydrant.


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Written by : Lucinda Cross

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