Egl 11-05 230pm w-24 (1) Egl 11-05 230pm w-32


“The Passion + Purpose = Profit event on Friday night was super inspiring. The panelists, who included Tiara Williams, Monique Rodriguez, Tamika Mallory, Lucinda Cross, Tashera Simmons, Bershan Shaw and Precious Avorkliyah-Evans, encouraged everyone to put themselves first and do what makes them happy.

Either you can be Passionately Poor or you can be Passionately Profitable. When you are Passionately Poor it means that you are passionate about something, and people see your hard work, but you’re not getting paid. Passionately Profitable is when you are dedicated to your passion and do whatever it takes to brand yourself, and turn that into profits.

Each and every person’s passion is organic. Your Passion is created from what you LOVE plus what you’re GREAT at. If you don’t know what your passion is, you need to get out and experiment with different things you like to do onestop plumbers. If you try something you thought you liked and it does not work, you get up and try the next thing, and then the next thing and then the next until you have found your passion.” —Recap article featured in EGL written by @Tawana Coleman, Speak Free Communications

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Photo Cred: Santanah Pinto @adorjephotography

Written by : Lucinda Cross

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