You can either add more years to your life or more life to your years…let’s Activate Your Life!

Welcome to Activate WorldWide home of Lucinda Cross a best-selling author, internationally known speaker, TV personality, and energetic teacher of personal and professional development.
Activate WorldWide is a leadership services firm that specializes in marketing and consulting those who are considered “the best-kept secret” to building a marketable, brandable and scalable business model.
Lucinda creates and delivers products and services such as seminars, workshops, and training that’s designed for entrepreneurial women, millennials and at-risk youth. Her programs are also captured to enriching the lives of professional women and re-entry citizens seeking personal growth.
Lucinda Cross speaking at ESSENCE Entrepreneur Summit in ATL
Lucinda Cross speaking at ESSENCE Entrepreneur Summit in ATL
The Brutal Side Of Abused Sisterships
How has your past observation or experience with other women held you back in your career or your business?
Do You Like The Things That Life Is Showing You?
What is your Big ASK? Do You Know? One of my favorite songs as a child was sung by Diana Ross “Do you know where you’re going to?” Do you know where you’re going to?Do you like the things that life is showing you?Where are you going to? do you know?Do you get what you’re hoping for?When you look behind you there’s no open doorWhat are you hoping for?Do you know? Many of you have already invested in getting a copy of The Big ASK so some of this content is going to [...]
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