I think it is time that we get rid of the inner critic.

What would you do if you had no fear?

What fears are stopping you from rising to your full potential?

Some entrepreneurs I work with consider fear as a motivator, and others consider fear as an illusion.  Whatever the case may be if you are like most of us, fear raises its ugly head the minute you decide to do something positive, and productive for yourself or others.

Ask yourself: Can I see my future or what my future will be like if I continue to hold on to the fears that are deceiving me?

The biggest mistake most entrepreneurs make in their building and development stages is allowing their fears to be the decision maker.  In my opinion, either you face the fear or allow the fear to face you.  Somebody has to surrender and it should not be you.  Fear can only survive and exist as long as you allow. You have to be willing to reinvent yourself and shift your mindset so that your fears have no power.

I suffered for many years from fear of success.  I would constantly self sabotage myself by either procrastinating or cause an internal distraction.  Sounds crazy right? Well, I was out of my mind at the time, not any more, I now “seize the opportunity” when one arises.

Since fear is the foundation of ignorance, I encourage you to become aware and knowledgeable of what you are facing.  Make a list of the fears you have about love, money, business, marriage, and entrepreneurship.

Tackle a new fear every month on your “conquer fear” list.  Watch how taller you begin to get and how higher you will begin to reach. Remember fear stunts your growth. It’s time to become like a giant.



Lucinda is a teacher, an innovator, a change agent, and an author.

Lucinda uses speaking, training and mentoring to help business moms attract quality clients and grow their business effortlessly by becoming an expert in their field.





Lucinda Speaks www.lucindacross.com





Written by : Lucinda Cross

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  1. Tomesia Ingram June 2, 2011 at 5:30 pm - Reply

    I think at some point we all have suffered and in some situations still suffer from fear. The key is to shift your mindset from focusing on risks to focusing on the rewards. An old saying states “The blessing you have been waiting for is on the other side of what you are afraid to do”. I know in my case I at times have been fearful when looking at the “Big Picture” but when I allow myself to create a plan with defined action steps I am able to focus on moving one step at a time towards completion. This reduces anxiety tremendously. Thanks for the great article.

  2. Kadena Tate June 6, 2011 at 7:00 pm - Reply

    In the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, he says that “Imagination is more powerful than rational thought.” At first glance, this seems ridiculous but if we go a little deeper, we discover that what we expect we tend to realize. Let us help each other to stop spending time and energy imagining death, lack, limitation, dis-ease, loss, failure, etc. which are all forms of fear.

    I’ve learned to “feel the fear but move forward anyway with positive expectancy”. Ultimately we must face the decision as you’ve so eloquently stated “to control our fears or let our fears control us”. We have the power to choose. We must simply take the action step out of fear into love. This is the defining line between the mindset of a victim and that of a victor.

  3. simone hardy July 4, 2011 at 12:57 pm - Reply

    This was definitely worth reading twice. I have suffered from this and will do what I have to do to move past it. Thanks for a great article.

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