You’re Under Arrest!
1st degree of selling yourself short by not charging what your worth.
One count of lack of confidence
Two counts of low value proposition
Four counts of not planning and delegating
You’re in business to make a profit, right? You believe you have what it takes, that you’re an expert in your field, right? Then, why are you undercharging for your services or taking less out of your company when it’s making a large net profit? In short, why aren’t you trusting yourself and your business to succeed?
You may be afraid of success and of change. This means you don’t really believe you’re an expert in your field or have what it takes. If this is so, you have to assess. Are you really your resume/bio? If you are, check one. Can you live up to your standards of excellence? If you can, check two. Do your loved ones support you? If yes, check three.
If you answered no to any of these questions, then you have some fixing to do. If your resume/bio really doesn’t reflect who you are and what you can do, rewrite the resume/bio until it does. You may never need to send this resume/bio to anyone, particularly if you own your own business, but it’s there to remind you that you’re a “can do” person.
If you can’t live up to your standards of excellence, maybe it’s the standards that need changing, not you. Being a perfectionist is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, you do good work, but on the other, you keep tinkering because it’s not quite right yet. Stop tinkering. It’s fine.
If your loved ones aren’t supporting you, sit them down and explain your dreams and goals until they do understand and get on board. Let them know how much time the business will take at first, but in the long run everything will be OK. Tell yourself this too.
When you get past these obstacles, you’ll see it’s easier to charge what you’re worth and feel good about it. As your testimonials pile up and with word of mouth advertising, you’ll finally convince yourself you’re “all that and then some”.
1st Degree of lack of confidence
I am so glad that I read this post. It’s just the motivation that I have been needing!!
GREAT ARTICLE! We all need to be reminded of this sometime. 🙂